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  5. Brick Content Settings

Brick Content Settings

Link Content – [yumjam-masonry content_link_content="on"]
shortcode attribute :- content_link_content

Enabling this make the brick content text a link to the full post or article ( default : on )

Shows post excerpt – [yumjam-masonry content_show_excerpt="on"]

shortcode attribute :- content_show_excerpt

Use the post excerpt text for the content of the brick instead of the post body text ( default : off )

Overlay image – [yumjam-masonry content_over_image="on"]

shortcode attribute :- content_over_image

Allow the content text to overlay featured brick image ( default : off )

Maximum words in excerpt – [yumjam-masonry content_show_excerpt_words="on"]

shortcode attribute :- content_show_excerpt_words

Limit the length pf the excerpt text to a max amount of words ( default : 500 )

Use featured image – [yumjam-masonry content_use_featured="on"]

shortcode attribute :- content_use_featured

Use the posts featured image (if it is available) as background of the brick ( default : on )

Minimum height – [yumjam-masonry content_minimum_height="on"]

shortcode attribute :- content_minimum_height

The bricks content section will be at least this high, include unit e.g. px, % ( default : 280px )

Font size – [yumjam-masonry content_font_size="on"]

shortcode attribute :- content_font_size

The font size of the brick content text, including unit e.g. px, em, pt ( default : 16px )

Text color – [yumjam-masonry content_font_color="on"]

shortcode attribute :- content_font_color

The color of the brick content text. You can use the colour picker to choose a colour or enter any value CSS colour value (e.g. #f03, #ff0033, #FF003388, rgb(255,0,51), rgb(100%,0%,20%), rgb(255,0,51,0.4), hsl(240,100%,50%), hsla(240,100%,50%,0.05), etc.) ( default : #ffffff )

Padding – [yumjam-masonry content_padding="on"]

shortcode attribute :- content_padding

Padding size around the content, include unit e.g. px, % ( default : 11px )

Background color – [yumjam-masonry background_color="on"]

shortcode attribute :- background_color

Color behind the content text. You can use the colour picker to choose a colour or enter any value CSS colour value (e.g. #f03, #ff0033, #FF003388, rgb(255,0,51), rgb(100%,0%,20%), rgb(255,0,51,0.4), hsl(240,100%,50%), hsla(240,100%,50%,0.05), etc.) ( default : #363730 )

Background opacity – [yumjam-masonry background_opacity="on"]

shortcode attribute :- background_opacity

Color of the content text. You can use the colour picker to choose a colour or enter any value CSS colour value (e.g. #f03, #ff0033, #FF003388, rgb(255,0,51), rgb(100%,0%,20%), rgb(255,0,51,0.4), hsl(240,100%,50%), hsla(240,100%,50%,0.05), etc.) ( default : 100 )

Alternate Style (every other)

Background color – [yumjam-masonry alternate_background_color="on"]

shortcode attribute :- alternate_background_color

Color behind the alternate content text. You can use the colour picker to choose a colour or enter any value CSS colour value (e.g. #f03, #ff0033, #FF003388, rgb(255,0,51), rgb(100%,0%,20%), rgb(255,0,51,0.4), hsl(240,100%,50%), hsla(240,100%,50%,0.05), etc.) ( default : #363730 )

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