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  5. Post Loading Settings

Post Loading Settings

Lazy Load or Button Button – [yumjam-masonry load_type="button"]
shortcode attribute :- load_type

This determines how the next page of bricks will be loaded, The button option will show a page worth of bricks and then the Load More button at the bottom, when this is clicked another page of bricks will be loaded, The Lazy Load option will automatically load the next page when the user scrolls to the bottom of the existing page of bricks.

The following options only apply when the Button load type is selected.

Text – [yumjam-masonry load_more_text="LOAD MORE"]

The text displayed on the load more button when it is visible ( default : LOAD MORE )

Font size – [yumjam-masonry button_font_size="16px"]

shortcode attribute :- button_font_size

The font size of the text displayed on the load more button you must including a unit e.g. px, em, pt ( default : 16px )

Text color – [yumjam-masonry button_font_color="#ffffff"]

shortcode attribute :- button_font_color

The color of the text displayed on the load more button. You can use the colour picker to choose a colour or enter any value CSS colour value (e.g. #f03, #ff0033, #FF003388, rgb(255,0,51), rgb(100%,0%,20%), rgb(255,0,51,0.4), hsl(240,100%,50%), hsla(240,100%,50%,0.05), etc.) ( default : #ffffff )

Padding – [yumjam-masonry button_padding="16px"]

shortcode attribute :- button_padding

The padding around the load more button text size you must include a unit e.g. px, % ( default : 16px )

Background color – [yumjam-masonry button_background="#bdb99b"]

shortcode attribute :- button_background

The colour of the load more button background. You can use the colour picker to choose a colour or enter any value CSS colour value (e.g. #f03, #ff0033, #FF003388, rgb(255,0,51), rgb(100%,0%,20%), rgb(255,0,51,0.4), hsl(240,100%,50%), hsla(240,100%,50%,0.05), etc.) ( default : #bdb99b )

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