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  5. Brick Header Settings

Brick Header Settings

Show header – [yumjam-masonry header_show="on"]
shortcode attribute :- header_show
This allows Enabling or Disabling of the entire header section of the bricks ( default : on )

Header Position – [yumjam-masonry header_position="top"]

shortcode attribute :- header_position

This allows the configuration of the header position it can be set to above or below content of the brick ( default : above (top) )

Padding – [yumjam-masonry header_padding="11px"]

shortcode attribute :- header_padding

The space around title including the unit e.g. px ( default : 11px )

Background colour – [yumjam-masonry header_background_color="16px"]

shortcode attribute :- header_background_colour

The background color of the main header. You can use the colour picker to choose a colour or enter any value CSS colour value (e.g. #f03, #ff0033, #FF003388, rgb(255,0,51), rgb(100%,0%,20%), rgb(255,0,51,0.4), hsl(240,100%,50%), hsla(240,100%,50%,0.05), etc.) ( default : #00c5df )

Brick Title

Link Title – [yumjam-masonry content_link_title="on"]

shortcode attribute :- content_link_title

This enables or disables the ability to use the title text as a link to the full article ( default : on )

Maximum words – [yumjam-masonry content_show_title_words="5"]

shortcode attribute :- content_show_title_words

Allows you to limit the number of words of the title text to display  ( default : 5 )

Font size – [yumjam-masonry header_font_size="20px"]

shortcode attribute :- header_font_size

The font size of the title text including unit e.g. px, em, pt ( default : 20px )

Text colour – [yumjam-masonry header_font_color="#ffffff"]

shortcode attribute :- header_font_color

The colour of the title text. You can use the colour picker to choose a colour or enter any value CSS colour value (e.g. #f03, #ff0033, #FF003388, rgb(255,0,51), rgb(100%,0%,20%), rgb(255,0,51,0.4), hsl(240,100%,50%), hsla(240,100%,50%,0.05), etc.) ( default : #ffffff )

Uppercase – [yumjam-masonry header_font_uppercase="on"]

shortcode attribute :- header_font_uppercase

Enabling this forces the title text to be upper case ( default : on )

Spacing – [yumjam-masonry header_spacing="8px"]

shortcode attribute :- header_spacing

The space between title, date and author within the header area you must include a unit e.g. px ( default : 8px )

Alternate Header Styling

The Alternate Header styling applies to every other brick and allows the configuation of different styles for the odd and even bricks.

Background color – [yumjam-masonry alternate_header_background_color="#bdb99b"]

shortcode attribute :- alternate_header_background_color

The background color of the alternate brick header. You can use the colour picker to choose a colour or enter any value CSS colour value (e.g. #f03, #ff0033, #FF003388, rgb(255,0,51), rgb(100%,0%,20%), rgb(255,0,51,0.4), hsl(240,100%,50%), hsla(240,100%,50%,0.05), etc.) ( default : #bdb99b )

Text color – [yumjam-masonry alternate_header_font_color="#ffffff"]

shortcode attribute :- alternate_header_font_color

The color of the alternate brick title text.  You can use the colour picker to choose a colour or enter any value CSS colour value (e.g. #f03, #ff0033, #FF003388, rgb(255,0,51), rgb(100%,0%,20%), rgb(255,0,51,0.4), hsl(240,100%,50%), hsla(240,100%,50%,0.05), etc.) ( default : #ffffff )

Post Author

Author – [yumjam-masonry content_show_author="off"]

shortcode attribute :- content_show_author

Enable or disable showing the post author in the header ( default : off )

Font size – [yumjam-masonry header_author_font_size="12px"]

shortcode attribute :- header_author_font_size

The font size of the author text, you must include a unit e.g. px, em, pt ( default : 12px )

Text color – [yumjam-masonry header_author_font_color="#ffffff"]

shortcode attribute :- header_author_font_color

The font colour of the author text.  You can use the colour picker to choose a colour or enter any value CSS colour value (e.g. #f03, #ff0033, #FF003388, rgb(255,0,51), rgb(100%,0%,20%), rgb(255,0,51,0.4), hsl(240,100%,50%), hsla(240,100%,50%,0.05), etc.) ( default : #ffffff )

Post Date

Date – [yumjam-masonry content_show_date="on"]

shortcode attribute :- content_show_date

Enable or disable showing the post date in the header ( default : on )

Font size – [yumjam-masonry header_date_font_size="12px"]

shortcode attribute :- header_date_font_size

The font size of the header date you must include a unit e.g. px, em, pt ( default : 12px )

Text color – [yumjam-masonry header_date_font_color="#ffffff"]

shortcode attribute :- header_date_font_color

The font colour of the date text.  You can use the colour picker to choose a colour or enter any value CSS colour value (e.g. #f03, #ff0033, #FF003388, rgb(255,0,51), rgb(100%,0%,20%), rgb(255,0,51,0.4), hsl(240,100%,50%), hsla(240,100%,50%,0.05), etc.) ( default : #ffffff )

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